by Méndez Padilla Abogados | 12-07-2022 | Civil Law, Real Estate Law
This episode of Rent Game is dedicated to the rent update. As you may recall, the Government passed Royal Decree Law No. 11/2022, extending the anti-crisis measures, among which was the limitation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) update in residential leases....
by Méndez Padilla Abogados | 18-01-2022 | Civil Law, Real Estate Law
In this episode of Rent Game we will examine the legal effects of the lack of payment of the rent. Since we started publishing these series, we have received many questions about what a landlord may do when their tenant stops paying the rent. Therefore, we are going...
by Méndez Padilla Abogados | 09-12-2021 | Administrative Law, Civil Law, Commercial and Corporate Law, Extrajudidical, News MP&A, Real Estate Law
We are Méndez Padilla Abogados, and we are a law firm with english-speaking lawyers and solicitors in Costa del Sol. Whether you are a long-time resident in Spain or you just arrived to this country, we believe it is worth having strategical relationships with a law...
by Méndez Padilla Abogados | 23-11-2021 | Civil Law, Real Estate Law
In this episode of Rent Game we will examine the different aspects of the term and extension of a property lease in Spain. Since the popularity of the last episode of this series about repairs, we have decided to work on the second episode as soon as possible, this...
by Méndez Padilla Abogados | 19-10-2021 | Civil Law, Real Estate Law
In this series you will get to know both your rights and obligations depending on your role in the contractual relationship: tenant or landlord. During the last decade, there has been a growing number of foreign people that has chosen Spain as their second or even...